Monday 5 October 2009

Kullervon sotaan lähtö

This is the story of Kullervo. From the poem Kalevala.

He is the Son of Untamo and Untamala. Untamo is jealous of his brother Kalervo, and the strife between brothers is fed by numerous petty disputes. Eventually Untamo's resentment boils into open warfare, and he kills all of Kalervo's tribe save for Kalervo's daughter Untamala, who submits to Untamo. Shortly afterwards, Untamala gives birth to a baby boy she names Kullervo.

When Kullervo is three months old, he is heard uttering vows of revenge and destruction on Untamo's tribe. Untamo tries three times kill Kullervo by drowning, fire and crucifixion, but each time, the infant Kullervo is saved by his latent magical powers.

Untamo then allows the child to grow up, then tries three times to find employment for him as a servant in his household, but all three attempts fail as Kullervo's wanton and wild nature makes him unfit for any domestic task. In the end, Untamo decides to rid himself of the problem by selling Kullervo into slavery to Ilmarinen.

And the story continues tomorrow...

3 thoughts:

Polly Balitro said...

la cartolina è stupenda. una delle più belle della tua collezione. e mi piace molto il fatto che tu abbia deciso di scrivere la storia a piccole dosi (:

le ombre nel cielo said...

paljon kiitoksia Polly (:

Anonymous said...

yeah...i really appreciate the story...sounds like a new and compelling children ephic saga...but with a christmas carol taste.... maybe if the characters are bisquits it will be nice

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